Infill development sites are typically found in urban and built-up areas and often in less desirable areas. These sites are empty or underutilised, and as a result, they go to waste. There’s no good reason to leave them bare, so why not develop them? Well, there is one thing that might get in the way of redevelopment, the local residents. So, why might neighbours oppose an infill development? Well, there are several reasons, but knowing them and understanding the resident’s concerns will take you one step closer to another successful property development project.

Infill Development May Strain Existing Infrastructure

A common concern for neighbours is the effect of a new development on the infrastructure. Most notably, a large residential development would welcome more residents to the area, and naturally, this includes more cars on the road, which will increase traffic in the area. Increased traffic in areas which don’t have readily available public transport is a reason for concern for neighbours.

Infill Development Is Often Associated With Gentrification

Gentrification is the improvement of lower-income urban areas to such an extent that it drives up rental costs and property prices. As a result, long-term residents are priced out of the area. Infill development is commonly associated with gentrification, however, done correctly, the neighbours benefit from infill developments. The aim is to offer new residents affordable housing.

The Effects of Construction on the Neighbours

The most immediate concern for residents regarding infill development is the effects of construction. Residents will be subject to noise pollution, increased dust, traffic congestion caused by construction vehicles, and the typical mess that comes with construction. Less scrupulous construction companies may leave rubble and construction waste to pile up. This waste is not only unsightly, but it can get in the road and rainwater drainage system resulting in a number of issues.

The Development May Conflict With the Aesthetic of the Area

Maintaining the neighbourhood’s character is essential to residents, and unconsidered architecture negatively affects the charm and aesthetic of established areas. Maintaining this aesthetic is critical if neighbours are to accept the development and not view the building as an eyesore once it is complete.

Getting Neighbours To Greenlight an Infill Development

With all the reasons neighbours may oppose an infill development, it is critical to have an open dialogue to gain development approval and ensure residents will benefit from the final product. Property development laws, rules and regulations are strict in Australia, so residents may not realise the care taken to adhere to these laws. Through thorough consultation with neighbours, property developers can allay their concerns and fears and agree on matters not covered by council regulations.

Though the benefits may not be seen immediately, infill property developments revitalise areas and prevent urban sprawl. The immediate effects of construction are felt first, which is why residents may oppose infill development. By addressing these concerns and designing and developing a property suited to the area, infill developments can be incredibly successful. To find the perfect tract of infill land along with critical data about the surrounding area, it’s best to leverage comprehensive property development software. Archistar is one such platform that gives you access to aerial views, planning data, market data, planning rules, profitability analysis, and more. Its generative design capabilities will also allow you easily generate hundreds of designs, making it easier to find one that is profitable without impacting on existing aesthetics.