There’s a lot of paperwork involved in property development, understandably. Towns and suburbs need to be planned to meet the needs of their inhabitants, which is why local councils and town planners have to approve each development. These measures ensure that properties are built according to the correct zoning, building standards, and local rules and regulations. To this end, property developers need to apply for either development approval (DA) or a Complying Development Certificate (CDC) in order to get planning approval. So, what is the difference between a DA and a CDC? We’re glad you asked.

Why Do You Need To Know the Differences Between a DA and a CDC?

Development approval and a Complying Development Certificate are official documents that prove that you can develop and build on the specified tract of land. When you know the difference between a DA and a CDC, you’ll know which type of planning approval to apply for. Getting a CDC is faster, and there is less red tape, but you can only apply for a CDC in certain circumstances. If you know which document to apply for, you won’t have to repeat the process; saving you time, money, and effort.

What is Development Approval?

Development approval is the official licence to develop a property. To get development approval, you will have to fill out paperwork which states the project’s location and scale, illustrates the design, establishes which materials are to be used, and specifies the project timeframe – all of which must be adhered to. Obtaining development approval may involve one or more types of consent granted by the local government, depending on the kind of development. And it can take up to three months. You may need planning consent, building consent, and land division consent. The Council Planning Department grants planning consent. You will be given building consent if your building adheres to the Building Code of Australia. Land division consent is required to build new dwellings or buildings.

What is a Complying Development Certificate?

As with development approval, a Complying Development Certificate is official consent to build on a specified tract of land. Obtaining a CDC is more efficient because it combines the building and planning approvals into one certificate. Which is why it is the preferred form of building approval. Much of the red tape is eliminated by waiving the need for neighbour approval and council involvement. This certificate is issued based on the adherence of your proposed project to the codes and regulations set out by your state or territory. In addition to these codes, your project must adhere to the Local Environment Plans, the Building Code of Australia and the State Environment Planning Policy. You need to submit your engineering drawings, floor plans, and site plans, a certifier to obtain a CDC.

Unfortunately, only smaller-scale developments or projects qualify for a CDC, but those which do, will get approval within six to eight weeks.

The most significant differences between a DA and a CDC are the amount of time approval takes, the amount of paperwork that must be submitted, and the associated projects.

A comprehensive property development platform like Archistar will provide you with most of the data you need when preparing a DA or CDC submission. From finding the right piece of land, to identifying risks and showing the relevant planning rules. Archistar can then generate hundreds of potential designs, complete with design and profitability analysis. Leaving you with more time to focus on the finer details of your DA or CDC submission.